Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beanie there, done that

OK, I've never done it in this beanie before. But that's because it's new - knitted for my birthday by my sister Pauline, a manic Eagles supporter.
It's called The Fev and pays tribute to Mr Brendan Fevola's interesting dreadlock period. I'll be wearing it tonight when I watch the Blues meet the Tigers at the MCG.
Now that Brendan's stopped peeing on nightclub windows and is concentrating on his game, I'm hoping for a mega goal tally.
Should that happen I'll be shaking those dreads like there's no tomorrow. Before I go, here's a view of the back of the beanie so you can fully appreciate its beauty.


Davinia said...

Footy starting already? Didn't it just finish yesterday? I can't believe it. I need to get an ipod and download books so I don't have to listen to those moronic (sp) commentators with their twangy, nasaly voices saying stupid things. Dennis is the only one I can listen to, at least he comes out with some pearlers now and then. Nowhere is safe now, a 24 hour sports channel?....please!There's going to be some serious argueing in my house now.

Davinia said...

Forgot to say tell your sister nice job on the beanie.

Michele said...

Speaking of nice jobs, I had a look at the art/craft work you do. It's gorgeous. Now, if only you were an AFL fan too...

Eleanor said...

That's a cute beanie. Have a good time in Melbourne.

Davinia said...

Thanks for coming by and the lovely compliments you left. Now as for the'll never get me to go over to the dark side. If it was syncranised swimming, well that's different story, I'd be there in a heart beat!

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Oooh it be a fuzzy beanie. Fuzzzzyyyyy...

Yeah I have no input on football. Have fun. Enjoy the muscular men in shorts running around getting sweaty and tackling each other. Mmm-hmm :)